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Kelzyme As A Soil Conditoner


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Additional Information on Kelzyme


     Kelzyme is an extraordinary catalyst that helps nature do its own work better. At the same time, Kelzyme produces beneficial effects of its own.
     Kelzyme contains various proportions of over 70 trace minerals, most of which are essential to plants and animals for life and growth. Often , these minerals are absent from currently used soil or animal feed. Kelzyme not only provides these missing trace minerals, but its enzymatic activity allows living things to readily absorb them.
     Dr. John Gerkins, of Temple University, has done extensive research on Kelzyme. He concludes that it is the perfect host for enzymes already present in surrounding soil or animal feed. He has also found that Kelzyme contains enzymes of its own. Enzymes are nature's catalysts; Kelzyme's unique enzymatic activity permits an animal or plant to absorb the specific nutrients it requires. This perfect balance of trace minerals and enzymes causes a synergistic effect in plants and animals, producing far greater results than any one element used separately.
     Kelzyme, is a very unusual and unique material that can satisfy a number of agricultural, horticultural and agronomic needs. Mineral content in soils are notorious for being depleted in these days of commercially produced, nitrogen rich fertilizers. These fertilizers concentrate on providing crops/ plants with basic NPK and provide few if any trace minerals. Kelzyme can filla great void in plant nutrition at this level, and shows its' greatest potential in assisting farmers and growers in producing healthier and more nutritious crops in the future.

Improved viticulture with


Fossilized seakelp mineral

Donald W. Trotter Ph. D.

Soil scientist/Biologist


The mineral seakelp Kelzyme is a unique material with many properties useful to the commercial viticulture industry. Kelzyme is a pure mineral deposit containing a superior supply of elemental calcium along with an abundance of essential trace minerals and plant growth stimulating hormones. Kelzyme is effective in conventional as well as natural/organic cropping operations as a long lasting supply of critical trace minerals in readily assailable forms ideal for plant absorption as well as increased health and vigor. Environmental Health Services produces this material in its pure form for use in agriculture.

Kelzyme activity in agriculture soils

Kelzyme provides all of the benefits achieved from other calcium sources including increased cation exchanges and a greater availability of valuable plant growth nutrients. Kelzyme extends the effectiveness of nitrogen in all soils. The calcium in Kelzyme is proven to open heavy and compacted soils to increase water penetration reducing lost nutrients to runoff. The analysis of Kelzyme is testimony to the abundant mineral content of this material.

In biologically active soils tended under the regulations defining organic agriculture, Kelzyme is a valuable addition to mineral diversity and improved biological activity. Soils treated with organic matter will experience an increase in available nutrients to the plants where Kelzyme is applied. Salicylic acid levels are also increased after application of Kelzyme due to the increased metabolism of the soil microbes. Salicylic acid is now known to be a contributor to the control of a variety of a variety of pathogenic species of microorganisms. In cropping systems where composted manures are used to as a side dressing to provide nitrogen, Kelzyme will assist in the effective decomposition of these materials while increasing nutrient content of the soil.

Kelzyme and cover crops

The benefits achieved from cover crops and green manures are enhanced by the addition of Kelzyme. Nitrogen that is provided by N fixing cover crops is more effectively assimilated by plants due to the increased biological activity in the soils treated with Kelzyme. The quality of cover crop is improved thus improving its effect on the soil. The health of vesicular arbuscular mycorrihizae that increase the availability of phosphorus to plants is improved. Free living nitrogen fixing bacterial colonies of Azotobacter and the nitrogen fixing capacities of Rhizobium sp. are both enhanced by the nutrients in Kelzyme.

Kelzyme and disease and pest resistance

Kelzyme improves the vigor of plants by providing numerous nutrients that are considered valuable and proven to increase plant pest and disease resistance. These minerals include Iodine with has known capacities to reduce and retard the growth of pathogenic bacterial and fungal organisms. The concentrations of copper and sulfur are also make more effective by the abundance of calcium in Kelzyme similar to the way that calcium is used in the manufacture of Bordeaux materials. These properties of Kelzyme are just part of its unique matrix.

Kelzyme and plant stress

Vigorous plants automatically resist stresses caused by cultural or climatic conditions. Kelzyme aids in increasing plant vigor in many ways. One of the most recognized components contained in the Kelzyme mineral known to reduce water stress due to drought is Silicon/Silica in Kelzyme strengthens cell walls so that they resist stresses caused by drought or frost. This strengthening of the cell wall of the plant where Kelzyme has been applied is a well-known quality of all kelp based plant nutrients. Research has shown that this stress resistance is also transferred to the beneficial vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae that colonize plant roots and increase the plants ability to uptake nutrition.

Kelzyme and plant yields/ yield quality

When plants are healthier yields are increased. Kelzyme increases plant health via many of the activities listed above. When soils better provide balanced nutrition to plants yield quality is increased. This is especially important when sugar content Brix levels are carefully monitored during the ripening process. Kelzyme has been proven to increase sugar contents in a variety of table grape varieties. Research has been continuing of both red and white grape varieties in order to determine the benefits of multiseasonal applications of Kelzyme to table grape and wine grape varieties. After just three years of vineyard exposure to Kelzyme fossilized seakelp yields have increased upwards of 8 to 12% and sugar content of the fruit has increased between 6 and 18% depending on the grape variety.



Evaluating soil analysis prior to Kelzyme addition has normally assessed the application rates. Kelzyme has been applied from 250 to 600 pounds per acre on natural/organic systems depending on soil quality and biological activity. In conventional systems Kelzyme has been commonly used at rates of between 250 to500 pounds per acre on vineyard soils. These rates of application are calculated using a material that combines granules with fines of the mineral. The sieve has normally been established at ¼ minus material.

Kelzyme application methods

Kelzyme has been applied by air during dormancy and as a side dressing during the growing season with equal results. Early growing season or late dormant season application has proved to be the proper timing for the use of Kelzyme. Fall applications of this material has also shown good results. From this data we have determined that Kelzyme can be applied at any time to the benefit of the crop.

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